Archives For November 30, 1999

Plant Plot Produce

June 1, 2024

The weather has been excellent for my garden plot this season, so far. It has not been excessively hot and there has been rain on a regular basis – no watering required.

Most of my plant seed is from Baker Creek Rare Seed in Missouri. I have successfully grown plants from some seed that was 3 years old.

I have just harvested my first orange and purple baby carrots, Georgia sweet onion, Swiss chard, Italian chard, Japanese Komatsuna, white turnips, little Gem and Tom Thumb lettuces. I had harvested all the radishes about a week prior to this.


January 2, 2024

In 1998, I garden cloned a prostrate rosemary in a friends garden. Around 2000 I dug my clone up and planted it a beautiful Japanese bonsai pot which I purchased from a plant nursery in Campbell California. I loved the rosemary plant and it lived in that pot for around 10 years.

That was long ago and far away.

On June 14th 2023, I bought a cascading rosemary plant at Steamcliff Herb Garden in Commiskey Indiana. They had a great selection of herbs that you are unlikely to find in most plant nurseries. This cascading rosemary has a much more intense fragrance than upright varieties that I had previously bought from big box stores.

It’s still new but it looks great in that bonsai pot already. It’s not a bonsai…but the style will continue to improve thru Time.


Earlier I published a post on finding Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) in the shaded grove along a creek in the american midwest.  The brown flowers were so interesting.

Well now I have discovered the fruits are developing. I found one windfall pawpaw lying along the trail and looked up to see more still hanging in the tree. The fallen fruit is not ripe. Now that I have located some fruit I’m hoping a few will make it to ripeness. If any get ripe, I’ll let you know.

Pawpaw is one of the more exotic native plants here. The others which come to mind are Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera) and Catalpa speciosa. Seems like they are more tropical than temperate.