Archives For November 30, 1999

Verde de Taglio

June 11, 2024

This season I grew Chard from two year old seed from Baker Creek. The plants are producing abundant leafs growing under a row cover. This variety of Chard has narrow stems compared to regular Swiss Chard. The taste is more delicate. I must say that I prefer this variety. Chard is my favorite “greens” plant.


June 3, 2024

I baked Focaccia from a different recipe today. More or less the recipe and technique of Emma Fontanella. I like it and will definitely bake from it again. Delicious with feta and olives.

Plant Plot Produce

June 1, 2024

The weather has been excellent for my garden plot this season, so far. It has not been excessively hot and there has been rain on a regular basis – no watering required.

Most of my plant seed is from Baker Creek Rare Seed in Missouri. I have successfully grown plants from some seed that was 3 years old.

I have just harvested my first orange and purple baby carrots, Georgia sweet onion, Swiss chard, Italian chard, Japanese Komatsuna, white turnips, little Gem and Tom Thumb lettuces. I had harvested all the radishes about a week prior to this.