New Kuroda carrots

July 9, 2022

I’m growing carrots for the first time this year. The carrot seed variety I choose was New Kuroda from Baker Creek Rare Seed in Missouri. I choose this variety to grow both in container,  and in the earth. The variety is a shorter type. I wasn’t certain about how friable the soil in the garden plot would be; a longer carrot variety might not be able to penetrate the soil.

Also the variety was developed to withstand higher temperatures without bolting to seed production. Planting in a patio container is obviously a constraint on root production and creates a higher potting soil temperature.

The carrots planted in the garden plot were protected with an insect barrier cover; so no problem with those creatures. I didn’t thin them as much as I should have to increase the production. They looked so beautiful to me that I hated to remove them from the plot. I did do some thinning as the carrot tops got larger. That made a difference. The carrot, fresh from the soil taste was really good. Excellent raw and cooked.

From seed to first harvesting of plants was about 80 days. I harvested all the container plants at about 95 days. Here’s some photos from garden grown ….and container grown.

Empowered by my small success in carrot gardening, I’m about to plant Purple Dragon carrots for the autumn garden. Wish me luck!

photo property of Baker Creek.