Archives For November 30, 1999

Walking in a riparian environment I noticed this shrubby smooth little tree. I thought it’s leaves had been burned by a recent spring frost. NOT SO. They aren’t leaves at all. They are the flowers of the Pawpaw. Beautiful small exotic brown flowers. I had forgotten about this long time native to this region of North America. Grows as a clonal colony and doesn’t reproduce well from seed. In the fall the ripe fruit looks, smells, and tastes like a stunted banana. 


Mertensia of Spring

April 4, 2021

You can tell when Spring has arrived somewhere in the northern hemisphere on planet Earth. Mertensia virginica (Virginia bluebells) blooms along the creeks; a fragile and fleeting plant. Appears, blooms, is beautiful, and disappears until next Spring.


January Winter

January 16, 2020

Mostly warm January – so far. I’m enjoying my walk in the parks and forests nearby.