Archives For November 30, 1999


January 2, 2024

In 1998, I garden cloned a prostrate rosemary in a friends garden. Around 2000 I dug my clone up and planted it a beautiful Japanese bonsai pot which I purchased from a plant nursery in Campbell California. I loved the rosemary plant and it lived in that pot for around 10 years.

That was long ago and far away.

On June 14th 2023, I bought a cascading rosemary plant at Steamcliff Herb Garden in Commiskey Indiana. They had a great selection of herbs that you are unlikely to find in most plant nurseries. This cascading rosemary has a much more intense fragrance than upright varieties that I had previously bought from big box stores.

It’s still new but it looks great in that bonsai pot already. It’s not a bonsai…but the style will continue to improve thru Time.


It would have been wild, but I contained it.

Here are the final fruits of a Captured & Bound Tomato. I pruned it to a total of 80 fruits. Today, there are 36 fruits remaining.

Beauty encapsulated. A truly post-modern plant.



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