Archives For November 30, 1999


January 4, 2024

I baked a focaccia bread. This time in a round pan. It baked very well. Delicious!


Sourdough bread

January 2, 2024

Resurrected my sourdough starter from it’s long and hungry vacation in the refrigerator. It had not been fed for 4 months. I wasn’t sure it would revive. But it did, without any problem. I baked the loafs in my new Emile Henri bread baker. The bread smelled so wonderful as it baked. Truly yeasty sourdough. Good way to start the year.

Whole wheat banana nut bread

December 30, 2023

I gave my lazy Kitchen a workout today. I made Banana Walnut bread using white whole wheat flour from King Arthur Baking Co.  It baked well and is good winter treat with hot cocoa.